41 - 46 cm
24 - 31 lbs
15 - 17 years
from 13 months
43 - 48 cm
29 - 35 lbs
15 - 17 years
from 13 months
Size, development and life expectancy of Lagotto Romagnolos
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a medium sized dog breed with a size of 41 - 48 cm. Growth is complete after 13 months and the Lagotto Romagnolo reaches its final size.
With a life expectancy ranging from 15 to 17 years, the Lagotto Romagnolo falls into the upper average compared to other dog breeds. The final weight varies depending on gender, ranging between 24.3 - 35.3 lbs. Male Lagotto Romagnolos are usually around 4.4 lbs heavier than females.