58 - 63 cm
51 - 71 lbs
12 - 13 years
from 15 months
60 - 65 cm
51 - 71 lbs
12 - 13 years
from 15 months
Size, development and life expectancy of Large Münsterländer
The Large Münsterländer is a medium sized dog breed with a size of 58 - 65 cm. Growth is complete after 15 months and the Large Münsterländer reaches its final size.
The Large Münsterländer is characterized by an average life expectancy of 12 - 13 years. This makes it one of the dog breeds with a typical lifespan. The final weight varies depending on gender, ranging between 50.7 - 70.5 lbs. Fully grown female Large Münsterländer have approximately the same final weight as males.